Welcome to Monopoly! How many will be playing?

players, eh? Let's move on to names and tokens.

Names and tokens set! Now for turn order.

How should the turn order be decided?

Each player will roll the dice. The turn order will be from the highest roll to the lowest, with random ordering in the case of ties.

dice dice

The turn order will be determined randomly.

Choose which player in the left column should go first, then the next, and so forth. The turn order you decide will be shown top-down on the right column.

Do these names, tokens, and turn order look good?

dice dice

Title Deed

With 1 House
With 2 Houses
With 3 Houses
With 4 Houses
With Hotel

PRICE $200

Rent $25
If 2 R.R's are owned $50
If 3 R.R's are owned $100
If 4 R.R's are owned $200
Mortgage Value $100

PRICE $150

If one "Utility" is owned, rent is 4 times the amount shown on the dice.

If both "Utilities" are owned, rent is 10 times the amount shown on the dice.

Mortgage Value $75


Back here already? Well, here's $200 that has been sentenced to be burnt at the stake.


The developer caught you squishing this adorable, benevolent, and defenseless spider!

Adorable, benevolent, defenseless...shame.

Go to jail! Now!

Congratulations! The probablilty of rolling doubles three times in one turn is 216 to 1, but you have beaten the odds!

Go directly to jail to collect your prize!

Welcome to Free Parking. Now evaluate this integral.

Evaluate this integral.

Community Chest

Rob the community blind! Open their chest now!


Community Chest

Income Tax

They're on to you! Pay a 10% or $200 Income Tax and cover your tracks now!

Luxury Tax

You have so much money and shiny things, so you must now pay a $75 Luxury Tax. You poor thing.

Cash on hand:


Get-out-of-jail-free Cards:





Do we have an opening bid? $


Welcome to the backroom. Who is proposing the deal?

Who is the receipient the deal??

This project was meant as a demonstration for Chris Peters's programming skills; not to be sold for profit. If you want to play the game for real, you should buy a legitimate copy from Hasbro Entertainment or play online at www.pogo.com or other site.

If you want to see more of Chris's projects, visit his Github page here.


Cirriculum Vitae
